Friday, 28 October 2022

Common mistakes which authors should avoid

Amazon’s the #1 retailer for books worldwide. It makes sense to go for Amazon self-publishing, UK.

But your results as an author will be less than satisfactory if you wind up making some errors in your manuscript, when publishing on Amazon & Kindle book publishing.

Creativity infuses authors to write. So they oversee some common grammatical mistakes, in the flow. Allow self-publishers as White Magic Studios to help you.

Let’s look at some common mistakes corrected by editors in self-publishing, UK houses.

  1. Mixing British and American spellings

The spellings are different depending on the settings; whether it’s British or American. Some confused spellings are gray (American) and grey (British), cozy (American) and cosy (British), smolder (American) and smoulder (British)…

For dialogues in British,single quotes are usually used, double quotes in American.

  1. Incorrectly written Possessive noun

In a plural noun that ends in s, add just the apostrophe. For example- I love the flowers’ fragrance.

If a proper name ends with an s, you may add just the apostrophe after or an “s” also. Ex- Have you seen Chris’ phone? “I love Chris’s phone.” Both are correct.

  1. Using Modifiers

Let’s use examples for explaining this.

Incorrect: Running as fast as she could, the cape flapped in the wind.

Correct: She ran as fast as she could, the cape flapping in the wind.

  1. Hyphens, en dash and em dash

Do not confuse between them & their uses.

  1. Don’t forget Hyphens while writing age.

Correct: The fifty-year-old kept playing.
But-Correct: My mother is forty years old.

  1. Correct use of serial comma

Correct: I saw my best friend, a clown, and a detective.(This means three persons)

Incorrect: I saw my best friend, a clown and a detective.

  1. Mistake of Tenses

Writers often slip into wrong tense. They usually mix up tenses.

Let your creativity flow, while book designers for self-publishing, Manchester correct all the mistakes.


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